Friday, March 28, 2008

The family alligator

Why the smile on his face? I think he ate the cat and goat. I hear that he is now the new family pet. Is this just a bunch of crock?

Saturday, July 28, 2007

important info

You may not realize that Lady Godiva was a cross dresser. Whenever anyone suggested that she put on cloths, she got very cross.
There was another important woman living in Venango that we have not mentioned yet. She went by her first initial, second and last name. K. Sarah Sara was pretty lackadaisical. She just had an attitude that what ever will be will be. She was once engaged to Alfred E. Newman but then he began to worry and called it all off. She took the breakup in stride and has been on welfare for the last 45 years.
Someone mentioned the Venango beach but actually the Venengo beach was not the most popular beach in the area. A mile or two out of town heading toward the thriving town of Woodchuck, there was a very fine beach. It was out beyond the rock farm where rocks were grown. (That was a booming business) The beach was owned by the Pudding family and they never seemed to mind that visitors climbed their fence and dodged their cows to get to it. There on the banks of Gravel Run was a fine sandy beach. Enthusiastic swimmers could enjoy an afternoon of fun once they pushed the little brown chunky things out of the way. Tourist came from as far away as Pittsburgh to swim and vacation there. This sometimes enraged the Connutiate Lakers because it took from their tourist business.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Additional information

It seems that so much emphasise has been placed on Black Beard and the Wongs that many important citizens of Venango are being overlooked. There were, for example, the Trilligers. The Trilligers were a very musical family. While some people said that their musical abilities arose from hereditary factors, extensive research has shown that their melodious abilities could be explained by diet. They consumed a lot of musical fruit. While I would love to invite our expert researcher to testify here as to the validity of all this, I am afraid that he is unavailable as he has long ago succumbed to the musicality of that family and has passed on to his reward. It was sad. I, however, can personally attest to the facts here related, as I suffered greatly, having the hair permanently singed off my arms and legs. I still have the hair on my head as I was wearing a football helmet. My brothers were down wind and not wearing helmets. They were not so lucky, but I digress.
Three of the Trilliger brothers played the trumpet. That is to say, there were three brothers and one trumpet. They all played it at the same time. They could do this because they had two lips between the three of them. I believe that is due to the fact that they came from Holland. Holland is famous for two lips. It all had something to do with their four fathers and aunt/sisters. Unfortunately someone stole their trumpet and blew it up. After that they took up farming. They had an old goat, several jack asses and a couple of pigs. They bought them from some bird who was a yellow bellied redneck. He was known to skip down the main street at the crack of dawn. He became known as Skippy and was elected town mascot.
Another interesting fact is that George Washington came down French Creek and made his famous crossing at Venango. You may have seen copies of the picture of him crossing the Delaware. That's a lie and an attempt to steal fame away from Venango. In fact, Washington crossed French Creek, not the Delaware. and the original photo is hung in the town hall on the main square.
Town Hall is where important decisions are made and is on the same circle, in that square ,with the Methodist Church on one side and the corner tavern on the other. Actually, they like to pretend that decisions are made in the town hall but in fact most important business takes place in the tavern.
I might also take this opportunity to mention the Legg sisters, Peg and Piano. Peg plays the organ in the Methodist Church. Peg Legg has been a pillar of the church for years. I'm not sure what Piano Legg does but I'm sure she holds up her end of things.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


The Millers utilized French Creek to power their mill. The mill wove goat hair into angora. The cats hair was also sometimes used. c. 1869

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Family History

There are various family names associated with this blog. For example, the Millers were decendents of Black Beard, the postal clerk, who worked in the Venango post office in the early 1820s wearing women's underwear on his head.

Skippy and I

Skippy and I
The effects of researching family history

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